Functional training

About Functional training About your Health
What is Functional Training ?
It's All About your Fitness 
To put it simply - The use of different exercises that closely represent different patterns of movement that occur in life or activity.
An example of this would be the squat, if you take a step back and think about some common movements where you actually need to squat you can come up with many.
Sitting down on a chair
Getting off the toilet
Crouching down to pick something up
Getting out of the sofa
or some activities like
Snow skiing

the list can go on
The squat closely represents the same movement that occurs in all of the above and is therefore a more functional exercise. Compare this to a 45 degree angle Leg Press machine. Very few activities require you to lower a weight down towards your body, and push it back up, at a 45 degree angle, that is made stable by a machine that doesn't require you to utilize any balance. In fact I'm struggling to come up with any activities.
Yes similar muscles are working but The force of gravity and the way they are working is completely different to how they have to act in real life. When you actually start training with this in mind, I find that session enjoyment increases as the movements are a lot more fun to do, more challenging, and produce consistently better results, with more crossover to life and activity and requires less time to exercise. 
