Olive oil, Garlic and Onions May Inhibit Cancer

Olive oil appears to reduce oxidative damage to cells’ genetic material. This damage can lead to cancer. Researchers, reporting in The FASEB Journal, believe that the monounsaturated fats in olive oil are responsible for the benefits. Olive oil also contains phenols, which are powerful antioxidants. Researchers also supported advice to replace saturated fats found in meat and butter with vegetable fats, including olive oil.In a separate study, researchers found that people who ate the highest amount of onions and garlic had the lowest risks for developing a number of cancers including colon, ovarian, kidney and throat cancers. Reporting in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers found that people who ate seven or more servings of onions per week had less than half the risk of developing colon cancer than those we did not eat onions. Garlic lovers were 25 percent less likely to develop colon cancer. Sulfur compounds found in garlic and antioxidant flavonoids in onions are thought to account for these protective benefits.
